TREKKITALY Mountain lodges and huts of Trentino Dolomites Alps Italy

Gardatrekking Italy - mountain & trekking guides association
Trentino Dolomites Alps, Italy Europe

mountaineering rock climbing hiking trekking via ferrata courses and guided trips
Phone: +39 0464 394224 - mail:


Map of mountain lodges and huts in Trentino Dolomites Alps Italy

Rifugi alpini Mountain Lodge and huts Dolomites Trentino Italy

Mouse over the map to enlarge and find the mountain lodges (rifugi alpini) in the Adamello, Presanella, Brenta Dolomites Groups in Italy


List of mountain hut in the area of Lake Garda and Pasubio Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Nino Pernici" - Riva del Garda Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Marchetti" - Monte Stivo Dolomies Italy

Rifugio "Graziani" - Monte Baldo Group Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Damiano Chiesa" - Monte Altissimo - Baldo Group Italy

Rifugio "Monte Telegrafo" - Lake Garda Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Vincenzo Lancia" - Pasubio Dolmites Italy

Rifugio "Generale Papa" - Pasubio Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Campogrosso" - Pasubio Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Fraccaroli" - Pasubio Dolomites Italy

Rifugio "Pian dei fiacconi" - Marmolada Dolomites Italy

Rifugio Capanna "Punta Penia" Marmolada Dolomites Italy

MOUNTAIN LODGE The demand for mountains by visitors to Trentino, is constantly growing. The desire for clean and uncontaminated places, for peace and quiet and for relaxation and physical health is realized among the peaks, meadows and forests in wide open silent places. A mountain that an increasing number of tourists and holidaymakers wish to experience and enjoy (in contrast with the seaside that is more and more polluted and chaotic). This may explain the boom registered in the recent summer seasons.
Those who want a mountain holiday have no end of possibilities to choose from in Trentino. Every valley resort, whether large or small, has its own special features and can offer a holiday made to measure. Holidays here range from simply walking on the over 6 thousand kilometres of carefully maintained paths to high altitude ascents on rocks and ice along prepared routes; from outings of a few hours to long traverses that take several days.
Trentino offers an infinite number of possibilities with one prevailing feature: a landscape which changes according to height and area, but is always extremely captivating. The 141 alpine refuges lie in strategic points in the Trentino mountains and 39 of them belong to the SAT and others are privately run. These, all together, provide over 4 thousand 500 beds. In the light of the new trends, characterized by a strong "demand for mountains", these alpine refuges have become outposts in the Province of Trento for experimenting technological innovations to cope with problems caused by man in the mountains.

RIFUGI ALPINI Chi ha esperienza di montagna sa quanto sia importante avvistare da lontano la sagoma indistinta di un rifugio alpino. Significa provare la soddisfazione di "essere quasi arrivati", pregustare una bevanda dissetante, un piatto caldo, un bicchiere di vino e il riposo su un rustico letto d' alta quota. Ma vuol dire anche anticipare nell' animo il piacere dell' accoglienza, di un sorriso complice che ti viene da chi conosce la fatica della salita, da chi sa che cosa significa amare l' alpinismo. I rifugi sono "case" della montagna, sapientemente costruiti in posizioni strategiche, spartani ma razionali. Esiste una "filosofia" del rifugio, uno stile di vita tutto particolare che riconduce ognuno ad un valore fondamentale: il rispetto dell' altro. Vi si respira un' aria privilegiata, perche' quassu' non ci sono "estranei": si e' amici per il solo fatto di condividere lo stesso interesse, di aver scelto la medesima montagna.
Si puo' dire che una sosta in rifugio costituisce una vera e propria "avventura umana". Passare una notte in un rifugio e' un' esperienza stimolante, in netta antitesi con i ritmi e le consuetudini dell' esistenza quotidiana.
Ma non pensiate che in Trentino ci siano solo rifugi alpini incastonati nella roccia d' alta montagna, raggiungibili solo a prezzo di fatica e di sudore. Esistono anche rifugi escursionistici situati in zone piu' accessibili e che si possono raggiungere percorrendo strade aperte al traffico normale. Il rifugio (in Trentino ce ne sono all' incirca 140) e' quindi veramente per tutti, testimone di quello stile di vita asciutto, concreto e positivo che lo ha reso la casa" preferita da chi ama la montagna

BERGHUETTE Der Wunsch, in die Berge zu wandern, wird bei den Gausten, die ins Trentino kommen, immer hauufiger geauussert: zwischen Berggipfeln, Almen und Wauldern, in der stillen Weite nimmt die Vorstellung von Reinheit und Unversehrtheit, von Ruhe, Erholung und Gesundheit Gestalt an. Eine heile Bergwelt also, die von Touristen und Urlaubern immer hauufiger gesucht und erlebt wird. Nur so erklaurt sich der eigentliche Boom, den der Fremdenverkehr in den Bergen in den letzten Sommersaisonen erlebt hat.
Wer im Trentino einen Bergurlaub sucht, hat im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die Qual der Wahl: in jedem Tal sorgen grosse und kleine Fremdenverkehrszentren mit ihren besonderen Eigenheiten fuer einen massgeschneiderten Aufenthalt. Das Angebot reicht von einfachen, bestens prauparierten Wanderwegen ueber 6000 km bis zu schwierigeren Aufstiegen durch Fels und Eis ueber Klettersteige; von Wanderungen, die in ein paar Stunden zu schaffen sind, bis zu grossen Touren, fuer die man auch mehrere Tage braucht.
Das Trentino bietet wirklich eine reiche Auswahl an Urlaubsmoeglichkeiten, die alle einen gemeinsamen Nenner haben: die je nach Hoehe und Gegend abwechslungsreiche und stets anziehende Landschaft. In den Trentiner Bergen befinden sich an strategisch guenstigen Stellen 141 Schutzhuetten, davon gehoeren 39 dem SAT, andere sind in Privatbesitz: insgesamt verfuegen sie ueber 4500 Betten. Angesichts der juengsten Fremdenverkehrsentwicklung und der starken "Nachfrage nach Bergen" sind die Schutzhuetten in der Provinz Trient eine Art technologisches Aushaungeschild geworden, das den Problemen im Zusammenhang mit dem vermehrten Menschenandrang durchaus die Stirn bieten kann.


BRENTA TREK BRENTA TREK from hut to hut in the Brenta Dolomites
Guided 5 days hiking trip from lodge to lodge or hut-to-hut with mountain guides. Crossing the Brenta Dolomites Italy from the South to the North

TREKKING VIA FERRATA Via ferrata courses at Lake Garda
One day rock climbing course in the crags at Lake Garda and 2 days training on the via ferrata in the Dolomites Alps of Trentino in Italy with your English speaking mountain guide

DOLOMITES BOCCHETTE Via ferrata delle Bocchette in the Brenta Dolomites
Proposal of Mountaineering Alpine School Arco Lake Garda Trentino for the crossing from North to South of Brenta Dolomites in Italy, from lodge to lodge, on the via ferrata "Bocchette del Brenta" with our mountain guides

GUIDED VIA FERRATA Via ferrata Western ridge of Marmolada
Dolomites Alps Italy, guided via ferrata on the Western crest of Marmolada Top of Penia (3.343 m) suggested by Mountaineering climbing School Mountain Guides of Arco Trentino

ROCK CLIMBING COURSES Rock climbing course in Arco at Lake Garda
Rock climbing course at Lake Garda (2days) with overnight in Hotel (BB), alpine mountaineering course (3 days) and teaching on the glacier and via ferrata in the Marmolada Dolomites Alps of Italy with base in a mountain lodge

GUIDED CLIMBING Rock climbing courses in Arco Italy
Rock climbing by mountain guides Arco at Lake Garda, courses and personal instruction or tuition on Kalymnos Island in Greece. Via ferrata and mountaineering courses in the Marmolada Dolomites Alps Italy

CORPORATE INCENTIVES ITALY Outdoor incentives corporate teambuilding
Teambuilding outdoor incentives in the Dolomites at Lake Garda and in the Alps of Italy for mountain hiking trekking via ferrata rock climbing canyoning with mountain guides school Arco

Canyoning-trekking trips at lake Garda Italy a new style of canyoning in Europe. The Pont del diaol is intertwining legends that are travelling through centuries of history

Our internal links

Hiking trekking in the Dolomites Alps Italy Brenta Trek . Gardatrekking partners in the Italian Dolomites Alps . Guided Hiking and Trekking easy in the Dolomites Alps Italy . Guided hiking Trekking medium in the Alps of Italy . Hut-to-hut lodge to lodge hiking in the Dolomites Alps Italy . Kalymnos Island Greece guided hiking and trekking holidays . Mountain lodges of Trentino Dolomites Alps Italy . Marmolada Dolomites Italy guided via ferrata western crest . Mountain guides Alpine School Arco Trentino Dolomites Italy . Outdoor incentives firmenevents Dolomites Alps Italy . Trekking week Wanderwoche Dolomites Alps Italy . Alpine moutaineering courses and Trekking in the Dolomites Italy . Via ferrata Bocchette alte and centrali in the Brenta Dolomites Alps Italy